Explain to me why we fought a war to keep these idiots in our country?
But now they have gone to far. It is now illegal to get drunk in a bar. And they are enforcing it with extreme prejudice. If you have 3 drinks in the hotel lounge, they have undercover police officers who are conducting field sobriety tests and will put you in handcuffs, and haul your yankee arse to the clink. And arrest the bartender.
Now I am not talking about knockdown, retching drunk. Not passed out in a pull of tepid stale Lone Star beer. We are talking about have supper in the hotel restaurant, where you are staying, and going to have a night cap or 2 with your significant other in the lounge next door.
They have arrested people who have designated drivers, then threatened to arrest the sober driver with obstructing an officer, when he tried to explain.
So far they have arrested 2200 in the first weekend.
A manager at Christies' Sports Bar in Dallas was quoted saying that the police were arresting patrons as they waited for their cab to pull up to take them home.
Doesn't matter if you weren't planning on driving. Doesn't matter if you're drinking in a hotel bar and were going to retire to your room after getting buzzed. Police officers and agents of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission can simply sweep into a bar and lock you up for having one too many — pre-arresting you, as it were, for drunk driving.
Why did we keep this state? Do we have a return policy with Mexico? Can we give it back to them?
Now I know there are some people from Texas who may take offence at this. As one friend put it to me, after one of my Texas rants:
"You know, I was born in Texas..."
"I see you do not live there anymore", I replied.
"Good point."
How can we keep trusting the lowest common denominator with running our country?